Early bird price expires on Mar 03, 2025 at 11:59 PM
Micro card games
Students will learn to play micro games -- games with only 18 cards! In this class we will learn and play 16 different micro games. At the end of the term students will each take home their own wallet game!
Instructor: Owen Lamison
Owen has been involved with CHEC for the last 7 years, since he was 10 years old. He has been a student and now teaches classes including board gmaes, Magic the Gathering and Dungeons & Dragons. Owen loves games of all sorts, be it board games, card games, video games, or athletic games.
03/17/2025, 03/24/2025, 04/07/2025, 04/14/2025, 04/21/2025, 04/28/2025, 05/05/2025, 05/12/2025
Participants must be 13 years to 18 years old when the program starts.
Minimum: 2
Maximum: 4
Registration starts on 02/22/2025 and ends on 03/22/2025.
Room: TBD
Please contact Community Homeschool Enrichment Center if you have any questions.