Early bird price expires on Mar 03, 2025 at 11:59 PM
Career explorations
Our world needs all kinds of brains doing all kinds of jobs! Kids will learn about different career options every week through dramatic play, books, and crafting. We will help cast a teddy bear's broken leg, write (mostly dictate) and illustrate our own books, and maybe run a restaurant!
Instructor: Melissa Kirkpatrick
My goal is to contribute to the education of small humans in a way that meets their individual needs while keeping the group moving forward towards the main goal of the class. From 2009-2014, I worked with the middle and high school kids in our church youth group, and appreciate their growing minds and strong opinions. I'm also very comfortable with littles, as my own kids fall into that category. Each age group has much to offer as long as we approach ready to listen, respond, and challenge them accordingly.
03/17/2025, 03/24/2025, 04/07/2025, 04/14/2025, 04/21/2025, 04/28/2025, 05/05/2025, 05/12/2025
Participants must be 5 years to 7 years old when the program starts.
Minimum: 6
Maximum: 10
Registration starts on 02/22/2025 and ends on 03/22/2025.
Room: TBD
Please contact Community Homeschool Enrichment Center if you have any questions.